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- From: SHANE NOLAN Date: 03-30-95 19:42
- To: ALL Msg#: 458
- Subj.: CNI News v4.6 1/3
- Area: UFONews
- CNI News - Volume 4.6
- March 23, 1995
- The stories in this edition of CNI News are:
- ISCNI encourages you to respond to stories in CNI News.
- * Public responses can be posted on the Forum message board in topic 28,
- "News Center Feedback"
- * Private responses can be emailed to ISCNI, subj: CNI News Editor
- The next edition of CNI News will appear on Monday, March 27.
- ========================================================
- by Gene Huff
- [Editor's Note: From the moment he "went public" in mid-1989, Bob Lazar
- became one of the most controversial figures associated with the UFO subject.
- This is part two of a report written by Las Vegas businessman Gene Huff, who
- probably knows more about Lazar's story than anyone but Bob himself. While
- Gene believes Lazar's claims and defends him, CNI News is well aware of
- accusations concerning Lazar's credibility. This report is offered as a basis
- for further discussion, and CNI News welcomes reader response. This report
- was originally posted on ALTUFO-L Digest on March 12 and is reproduced here
- with Gene Huff's permission. Gene can be reached by email at
- Gene's text follows:
- In subsequent visits to the briefing room, Bob read overview reports which
- were used to give the diverse group of S4 scientists some idea of the breadth
- of the project. Naturally, they were all given in depth information regarding
- their own particular endeavors, but it seems that they couldn't put good
- scientific minds to work and compartmentalize information so much that
- someone wouldn't say, "By the way, aren't these flying saucers we're working
- on?" The scientists at S4 worked in teams and were obviously not allowed to
- chat in the lunch room about what everybody else was doing, so apparently
- they gave them all a limited overview to satisfy their curiosity and keep
- them sane.
- In these reports Bob read information about man's history and philosophy
- and theology and the part that these aliens, who brought the disc technology,
- played in these areas. Much of this information was alarming, even shocking,
- and it has certainly changed my life. This information, combined with the
- defense capabilities and possibilities of disc technology and gravity
- propulsion, has caused this to be the most secret program in history and THE
- pet project which the military and political elite have kept from the rest of
- the DOD and, for that matter, the rest of mankind.
- During this time, agents from the Office of Federal Investigation, the
- OFI, would randomly visit Bob's house. The OFI agents are the guys who do
- background checks on people hired for classified positions on the Nevada Test
- Site, and elsewhere I would imagine. One time an agent named Mike Thigpen
- visited with other agents and searched Bob's house and belongings. Thigpen
- was witnessed there by Kristen Merck, Bob's now ex-sister-in-law, and Mrs.
- Wayne Higdon, the wife of a mutual friend of Bob's and mine.
- George Knapp later asked Thigpen what he was doing at Bob's house.
- Thigpen claimed he had no file on it and he couldn't remember being there. He
- said maybe he was there asking Bob questions about Jim Tagliani, a friend of
- ours who was then trying to get clearance to work as an electronics
- technician at the stealth fighter base on the Tonopah Test Range. This was a
- ridiculous response. Thousands of people nationwide have been visited by
- investigators from the OFI or DOD to respond to questions about friends and
- neighbors and relatives who are in the process of getting cleared for
- classified positions. These agents hardly retain the right to search your
- house and personal belongings.
- Obviously, Thigpen was doing his job by not remembering being at Bob's
- house, even though he was witnessed there by two women who didn't even really
- know each other. In defense of the OFI investigators, the guys doing the
- background checks are not necessarily informed of the destination of the
- subject of their investigation. Even if Thigpen had admitted his activities
- at Bob's house, this would have been no sort of verification that he knew
- what Bob was in for. The depth of the requisite investigation may indicate
- the level of security clearance, but not the actuality of the subject's
- employment.
- Around this same time, the U.S. scientists at S4 had made some sort of
- discovery which was a major step forward in understanding disc technology and
- gravity propulsion. We had apparently involved some Russian scientists to
- whatever degree, and rather than share this advance with them, we kicked them
- out. Bob doesn't know that the Russians were allowed to actually work with
- the hardware. They may have only been involved in the mathematical and
- physical theory; he doesn't know. Anyway, the Russians weren't pleased about
- being left out.
- One of the S4 scientists didn't show up for work for a couple of days
- and security was paranoid. They said that the KGB had a presence in Las Vegas
- and they were afraid that they would either abduct someone that worked at S4
- subject of their investigation. Even if Thigpen had admittedor make the bribe
- so good that someone wouldn't be able to refuse. The S4 guy
- eventually turned up, but security wanted to be safe rather than sorry. They
- decided to make everyone in the program who flew out from EG&G carry guns
- from home to EG&G and from EG&G back home.
- At EG&G, a female official distributed a small caliber pistol to Bob and
- told him that if he lost it, he'd have to pay them $500 for it. Bob said no
- way, because he knew this pistol wasn't even worth $500. After some
- discussion, Bob made them aware that he had a .44 magnum, amongst other guns,
- and they agreed that he would carry his own gun. However, since all of Bob's
- guns were purchased in New Mexico and had never been registered, they wanted
- Bob to register his guns so everything was legal. Dennis Mariani escorted Bob
- down to the Las Vegas Metro substation on the southwest corner of Atlantic
- and St. Louis. Bob sat in a waiting area and Mariani went in and spoke about
- whatever with the police official in charge. A short time later, the police
- official came out of the office with Mariani to make a copy of something. He
- looked at Bob and scoffed, "So THIS is the kid the Russians might be after?"
- I guess Bob wasn't the big, strong, he-man required to command this guy's
- respect.
- It's curious that Mariani would have even mentioned anything like that
- to a local cop. In Nevada, you can carry a gun in your car as long as it's
- not concealed. Your car is interpreted as an extension of your home, so Bob
- didn't need a permit to carry a concealed weapon or anything like that. This
- event has subsequently caused us to question whether or not Dennis Mariani
- was from Nevada.
- Also around this same time something was going on that Bob didn't know
- about. The feds monitoring his phone line had heard Tracy [Bob's wife]
- talking with her flight instructor, who was teaching her more than just how
- to fly. She was having an affair and they knew that if Bob inadvertently
- found out or if Tracy confessed, Bob could potentially become emotionally
- unstable. They kept him involved at S4 on a limited basis but the time
- intervals between calls to work lengthened and he became frustrated. This was
- ultimately a blessing for Jim Tagliani and me.
- Bob sensed that something was wrong. They had given him a taste of honey
- and he had a strong desire to get back out to S4. He would hear us talking
- about George Knapp's UFO shows and we would wonder aloud about the actuality
- of the situation. In a rebellious move, Bob threw us some hints and finally
- decided that he would do us the favor of allowing us to KNOW, not suspect,
- that something was really happening. After not being called to work for some
- time, he broke down and told me. I understand that he told Jim Tagliani
- around the same time. We didn't have group meetings or anything like that.
- Jim didn't know what I knew and I didn't know what Jim knew. Bob was the
- central cog in that relationship and, though I consider Jim Tagliani a
- friend, we seldom socialize together unless Bob is involved.
- When Bob told me, we were riding down Alta drive in my car. He said that
- he was working at S4 on flying discs and he was back engineering the
- propulsion system. I was intrigued to say the least. He said one of the discs
- looked like it had been stood up on it's edge to have a projectile fired
- through it to test the integrity of the metal or something along those lines.
- The conversation was brief, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
- I now had a million questions to ask Bob, but we couldn't talk on the
- telephone and, considering the state of the art in listening devices, we
- couldn't talk at his house either. This confirmation increased my appetite
- for reading UFO literature exponentially. I soon saw that no one knew what
- Bob knew and I was lucky enough to have him telling me. When we felt it was
- safe and convenient, we would have discussions. He would tell me things about
- S4 and I would tell him things that I had read. We both found it hilarious
- >>> Continued to next message
- ---
- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ If Windows sucked it would be good for something.
- From: SHANE NOLAN Date: 03-30-95 19:42
- To: ALL Msg#: 459
- Subj.: CNI News v4.6 2/3
- Area: UFONews
- >>> Continued from previous message
- that organizations like MUFON and CUFON named themselves by placing UFON
- after their initials. So we jokingly nicknamed each other Bufon and Gufon,
- for Bob's UFO network and Gene's UFO network, respectively. These were
- nicknames that, later, government agents would not find so funny.
- Around this same time, Bob received his first paycheck for one week's
- pay, even though the days had never been worked consecutively. The check was
- for $958.11. Bob showed me the check and I remember commenting that I thought
- that a senior staff physicist, which was Bob's position, would have been paid
- more than that. He proceeded to tell me how underpaid scientists were and I
- later found out that was true. I think I was the only one, other than Bob, to
- ever see that check. He had his eye on some electronic equipment, so he
- decided to buy it and not tell Tracy that the check had ever arrived. In
- later years when people questioned Bob's W-2, I knew it was actual because,
- even though I didn't remember the exact amount, I knew that it was nine
- hundred and fifty or sixty bucks which showed me that Bob's W-2 reflected the
- money actually received. Later, when he left the program, the government
- still owed him for some time worked, a bill which remains unpaid to this day.
- The next time he was called to work, the people at S4 were questioning
- Bob about his friend, Joe Vaninetti. They implied they might be interested in
- Joe and wanted Bob to get a resume from Joe and take it to the office at
- EG&G. On the day when Bob told them he'd have it there, he was busy and
- couldn't make it. Since Joe was still down in Los Alamos, Bob asked me to
- drop it off for him. I took Joe's resume out to EG&G and the receptionist
- asked me what I was doing there. I told her that I had Joe's resume and she
- grabbed it from me as though she was expecting it. We still don't know if
- they were interested in Joe or they just wanted to know more about him
- because he was Bob's main, but not only, Los Alamos connection. They may have
- heard Bob talking on the phone with Joe or something like that, no one knows.
- The bottom line is, they never hired Joe and his name was never brought up
- again.
- On one of Bob's last nights at S4, he was being escorted down a hallway
- by armed guards and was told to keep his eyes forward. As they passed a door
- with one of those small square windows in it, out of the corner of his eye,
- Bob thought he saw a small "grey" alien standing between two men in lab
- coats. All three were facing a console of some sort and had their backs to
- the door. When he tried to turn his head to actually look and confirm his
- sighting, he was pushed forward by a guard behind him and told, again, to
- keep his eyes forward. Bob recognized it as a "grey" alien because these
- types of beings were shown in reports in the briefing room. To this point, he
- had surmised that any grey aliens had been gone since 1979 -- at least that's
- what the briefing reports implied. The sight in that room surprised him, to
- say the least.
- After work that night, Bob arrived home and Tracy was gone, apparently
- to her flying lesson. He needed someone to talk to so he called me. I had
- been sick with the flu all that day and my wife had been nursing me back to
- health all that evening. I let the answering machine go off and after it
- beeped, I heard Bob say, "Gufon, it's Bufon, pick up the phone". I answered
- and he suggested that we get together that night. I explained to him that I
- had been sick and, after all of my wife's efforts, she would be mad if I
- left. He insisted and said that he wanted to talk to me about those "baby
- pictures". He and I had no business with baby pictures, so I recognized this
- as code. He mentioned photos so if anyone was listening, they wouldn't be
- suspicious. I reminded him that I rise early and suggested we get together
- the next morning. I asked if he would be up at that early hour. He replied
- that he would probably be up all night. I told him I'd talk to my wife and
- call him right back.
- I told my wife that something big must have been up because he was so
- persistent. After all, we already knew he was working on flying saucers so
- this had to be something big. Whatever it was he wanted to talk about was so
- important that he risked sounding suspicious to those monitoring his phone. I
- called Bob back to tell him I'd come over and, oddly, there was no answer. I
- thought maybe he had stepped out to get something to eat. I'd wait about 5
- minutes between calls, but he didn't answer the next four times I called him.
- Finally, on the sixth call he picked up the phone and said, "I'll have to
- call you back, some people from work are here."
- Bob didn't call back that night, but since I had the flu, I fell asleep
- anyway. As it ended up, right after I had hung up with him the first time,
- government agents arrived at his door and wanted to know who this "Gufon"
- character was. To them, this sounded like a code name, not a joke. Bob
- explained and they stayed there and filled out a multi-page report on Gene
- Huff aka Gufon. We don't know if these were the guys who were actually
- listening to our conversation or if they had been radioed or telephoned about
- it. However they found out, they couldn't have been far from Bob's house to
- arrive that quickly.
- The next morning I arrived at my office around seven. I had taken some
- baby pictures to the office with me, just in case. Bob walked into my office
- around seven thirty and motioned with his hands in an effort to tell me to
- watch what I said. He now knew they were suspicious of me and he didn't want
- to talk in my office or on my phone.
- It was highly unusual for Bob to ever be at my office before ten thirty
- or so and his face was very ruddy. He looked like he just may have been up
- all night. I said, "Here are those baby pictures" as I handed them to him,
- and he said, "Thanks". Since we couldn't talk, I grabbed a legal pad and
- wrote down two questions. The first one said, "Have you only flown in
- planes?", as I was thinking he might have flown in a disc. The second one
- said, "Has everyone you've seen been from earth?", for obvious reasons. He
- grabbed the pen and answered the questions Yes and No respectively. He said,
- "I'll take care of these baby pictures," and left my office. Just to be safe,
- I went out to the wetbar sink at my office and burned that piece of paper.
- Bob later told me the rest of the story, which I've just told you.
- Now, in present day, when Bob is asked about this event by strangers, he
- explains it away by saying that it may just have been an alien doll or
- something along those lines which was employed just to test him. He tends to
- diminish this story with time, but as you can tell, that's not what he
- thought back on that night.
- Another substantial period of time had passed since Bob had been called
- to work, and one day I dropped by his house. He answered the door and we
- walked out to the sidewalk in front of his house to have a short chat. I was
- telling him about all of the UFO stuff I had read recently and the whole time
- he was looking up in the sky, preoccupied with his own thoughts. I was
- essentially whining that everything of substance in ufology always happened a
- long time ago, i.e., the Roswell crash in the '40s, the Russian sightings in
- the '50s. I told him that if all this was reality, there should be something
- happening somewhere, now, and that's where I wanted to be. He stopped looking
- at the sky and looked at me and said, "What are you doing Wednesday night?"
- Bob had had it. He was tired of them not involving him to a greater
- degree and he decided to rebel in an aggressive manner. He had decided to
- take me to the desert, out off the now-infamous highway 375, to witness a
- disc flight test. Bob knew the tests were held on Wednesday evenings right
- after dusk.
- The first Wednesday, March 22, 1989, we arrived right at dusk, turned
- our lights off, and went in about 5 miles on the Groom Lake road. Soon we saw
- a bright light rise above the mountains which were between us and S4. The
- light begin jumping and dancing around, doing step moves in the sky, then
- would come to a dead stop and hover, etc. It repeated this type of activity
- for a few minutes which was thrilling, but it was so far away, we could only
- see so much. This activity by the object was blatant and it wasn't our eyes
- playing tricks on us with starlight and planet light being distorted by the
- atmosphere or clouds, or anything of that sort. Eventually, the light slowly
- sat back down behind the mountains. Little did we know that the next
- Wednesday, March 29, 1989, would present us with the thrill of a lifetime. I
- would not generally remember these Wednesday dates, but my son was born
- Wednesday, March 15, 1989, so the Wednesday dates were easy to remember.
- ========================================================
- [CNI News thanks Bob Teets for the following story. Bob can be reached via
- email at Terra Alta@aol.com, or by phone at Headline Books, (304) 789-5951.]
- Author and journalist Bob Teets will be the featured guest this Saturday
- night, March 25, from 9-11 p.m. PDT on the nationally broadcast radio talk
- show, UFOs Tonite. Hosted by UFO Magazine Research Director Don Ecker, the
- program will focus on Bob's new book, "West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters
- in the Mountain State," as well as on his other UFO/CNI research.
- Teets was formerly consulting managing editor of the Human Potential
- Foundation Press, and in that capacity was involved in national UFO/CNI
- research for two years.
- UFOs Tonite airs nationally on the Cable Radio Network and via satellite
- (SATCOM C3, Transponder 23, Audio Freq. 7.235). Listeners may call
- >>> Continued to next message
- ---
- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ If Windows sucked it would be good for something.
- From: SHANE NOLAN Date: 03-30-95 19:42
- To: ALL Msg#: 460
- Subj.: CNI News v4.6 3/3
- Area: UFONews
- >>> Continued from previous message
- toll-free, 1-800-336-2225, to chat with the author during the program.
- "Though I had traveled extensively for the Foundation, I wasn't that
- familiar with UFO sightings in my area, so thought I'd find out, then
- correlate the local sightings to our national findings," Teets says.
- He issued a press release to regional media in July, 1994, and appeared
- on a few local talk shows, where he asked for West Virginians with suspected
- UFO experiences to call him.
- "I expected a few dozen calls. But in just over 45 days, I had 100
- calls. By the time I was ready to write the book, I had nearly 150 calls. And
- after the book came out around Christmas, I had in excess of 600 calls!"
- Teets wrote the 224-page book in a month, "because I wanted it out in
- time for Christmas. There were a lot of 18-hour days," he adds. But the
- former newspaper editor and reporter relied on his journalism experience to
- "write fast for deadline." He also acknowledged having previously jointly
- analyzed the field with solid findings while working with Dick Farley,
- another former Foundation colleague and author of The Matrix of UFO Beliefs,
- a briefing document which appears in the book.
- A UFO eyewitness himself, Teets recently appeared on a two-hour radio
- talk show in nearby Pittsburgh, PA. "Now I have dozens of Pennsylvania UFO
- witnesses calling in. The phone is still ringing," he says.
- "The local stories I'm hearing are very similar to those of people I've
- interviewed across U.S., now going on maybe 800-900 in all. The grass roots
- is where the phenomenon is phenomenal!
- "There is no question that much is happening in the field, some of it
- even having to do with Unidentified Flying Objects and apparent non-human
- intelligence," Teets quips. "I'm just a reporter with a front row seat to
- cover either the Millennial 'lizard feast,' genetic picnic, planetary
- mind-warp, guys in da' skies (or disguise), stealth tech revelation, real
- Star Wars, peek-a-boo with Gaia ascending or Goddess Descending, interstitial
- Super Bowl or the Second Coming. Whatever. And if I don't make it, there will
- surely be a reporter somewhere who will file the story. Indeed, what the
- field needs most is some honest journalism."
- Teets has written a number of books, including the best-seller, "Killing
- Waters," published in 1985. He is president of Headline Books, Inc., which
- published "West Virginia UFOs," and which publishes numerous Appalachian and
- regional writers on a variety of subjects including political biography, art,
- military and family history, nostalgia and a sub-genre known as "newsbooks."
- ========================================================
- UFO researcher Bill Hamilton, Director of Investigations for MUFON-LA and
- author of the book "Cosmic Top Secret," will be the guest on Art Bell's
- nationally syndicated radio show, "Dreamland," on Sunday, April 2. Bill can
- be reached via email at BillH46088@aol.com.
- ISCNI faculty member Linda Moulton Howe gives a brief research update on
- "Dreamland" every week, prior to the main guest.
- "Dreamland" is among the best radio programs that deals regularly with
- UFO/CNI subject matter, and is heard on more than 90 radio stations
- nationwide. If you do not know a station near you that carries the program,
- you can call Art Bell for information at 702-727-8444.
- # # #
- ---
- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ If Windows sucked it would be good for something.